The potter models a vessel with both hands by applying force from outside with one hand and from inside with the other hand (in opposite directions) in order to reshape the mass of clay into a hollow space. A “vessel that holds space” is produced. … The didactics sometimes becomes the methodology of the work and, moreover, becomes the design process as such. This process advances from both directions: from outside in the classical way from the urbane to the architectural project, and from inside by means of the spatial and constructional fabric, the tectonics - and both lead from the abstract to the concrete.

Andrea Deplazes

TCA the concrete abstract는 아이디어를 기반으로 하는 건축 스튜디오이다. 구체와 추상, 물질과 정신 사이의 경계 영역에서 발생하는 힘들의 상호작용에 관심을 가진다. TCA는 물질과 공간이 만들어지고 사람에게 영향을 주는 모든 과정에 집중하며, 디테일 안에 구체와 추상이 함께 존재한다는 믿음을 가지고 작업을 진행한다.

TCA is an idea-based architecture studio. It is interested in forces that interact on the border of the concrete/ the abstract, and matter/ spirit. TCA focuses on the process of the building of material and space, and on its affect delivered to people. It has a belief that the concrete and the abstract coexists in the details.

조웅희는 TCA의 대표건축가이며 홍익대학교 건축학부 교수이다. 연세대학교 건축공학과와 하버드 건축대학원에서 공부하였고 미국 건축사이다. TCA를 설립하기 전 서울 조병수 건축연구소와 베를린 Barkow Leibinger Architekten, 뉴욕 Adjaye Associates, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners에서 실무를 익혔다.

조웅희는 한국, 독일, 캐나다, 미국, 아프리카, 중국 등 다양한 사회문화적 환경에서 미술관, 집합주거, 학교, 도서관, 컨벤션센터, 오피스 등 폭넓은 프로젝트를 경험했다. 그중 스미소니언 국립 흑인역사문화 박물관, 할렘 스튜디오 미술관, 오바마 대통령 기념도서관(제안), 중국은행 뉴욕 본사 프로젝트에 주도적으로 참여했다.

Tony Woonghee Cho is a principal of TCA and professor at Hongik University School of Architecture. He studied at Yonsei University and Harvard University, and holds the US Architect license. Prior to founding TCA he worked at BCHO Architects Associates in Seoul, Barkow Leibinger Architekten in Berlin, Adjaye Associates, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners in New York.

Tony has extensive experience in museum, housing, school, library, convention center, and office under various cultural circumstances in Korea, Germany, Canada, USA, Africa, and China. He was involved as a leading role in projects such as the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Studio Museum in Harlem, the Obama Presidential Center (proposal), and the Bank of China New York Headquarters.

Awards/ Honors

2024 Architizer A+ Awards Finalist in Residential Adaptive Reuse Project and Architecture + Low Cost Design Categories, 스믜집

2023 한국건축가협회상, 스믜집 Korean Institute of Architects Award

2023 국립 진주박물관 국제 설계 공모 입상 Jinju National Museum International Competition Finalist

2019 서울도시건축비엔날레 서울시장 공로표창장 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism Mayor of Seoul Commendation

Publication/ Exhibition

2024 EBS Documentary 건축탐구- 집 “섬에서 살아볼 결심”, Apr.9, 2024

2024 Seoul Shinmun Daily, “염부의 땀이 스민 집, 예술의 혼이 담긴 집”, p.21, Jan.24, 2024

2023 Korean Institute of Architects Award Exhibition, Culture Station Seoul 284, Oct.25 - 29, 2023

2023 Notesbook Web Magazine Architecture Section, “Sumui”, Oct. 2023

2023 Leibal Web Magazine Architecture Section, “Sumui House”, Sep. 2023

2023 C3 Korea Architecture Magazine, “시간과 시간의 조우, 스믜집”, Jul. 2023

2023 Archdaily Architecture Web Magazine, “Sumui House/ TCA”, Jun. 2023

2023 Brique Architecture Magazine, “스믜집 Sumui House”, Jun. 2023

2023 Divisare Architecture Web Magazine, “TCA (THE CONCRETE ABSTRACT) SUMUI HOUSE”, Jun. 2023

2023 SPACE Architecture Magazine, Issue 667, “소금밭 너머 풍경에 스며든: 스믜집 Permeating the Landscape Beyond the Salt Flats: Sumui House”, May 2023

2022 Art Like Salt Special Exhibition, Taepyung Salt Farm Salt Museum, Jun. 2022 - Jul. 2022

2019 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism City Exhibition Coordinator, Sep.7 - Nov.10, 2019